I woke up early in the morning yesterday, and I was thinking about Dad's epitaph: "He taught us how to love." That really did seem to me to honor the best of what Dad did for us; I couldn't think of anything that would say it better.
The longer I thought about what Mom did that was the same and what she did that was different, I kept thinking that she didn't do that much different. It was the same love that she showed us, and the same model.
But it didn't seem right to say Mom's contribution was "ditto," either explicitly or by implication.
I kept laying there thinking and thinking and thinking. Then it came, really clearly. Dad taught us how to love, Mom loved us. Just the way he taught us to love.
It feels really right to me, but I'm certainly willing to consider other options.
Thanks to Vanessa, I've put up a poll for all of us to contribute opinions.
Like Doug, I was/am very grateful for the celebration. I'm looking forward to Christmas.
V&K's 2014 in Review
10 years ago
I like the sentiment, but for me, the second phrase seems to put mom's love in a subordinate position and that doesn't seem accurate to me.
I think I could be happy with just the first phrase, "She loved us" or "She loved each of us" (to emphasize the unique way she individualized her love.
Also, as I have been thinking about Mark's suggestion, I keep remembering Keith's comment to Johnny, "She collected people, not stuff." I like that idea too and it seems like the kind of intriguing epitaph mom would have appreciated reading on a headstone. Another alternative might be "She loved people, not stuff."
Those are my thoughts.
After all of the events of Thanksgiving, Elizabeth thinks the Epitaph ought to be, "We're doomed without DeeDee!"
I love how we are talking about mom! Since we're throwing out ideas, let me share one. I keep thinking about how Mark mentioned Mom's suggestion that Dad "saved" her. I also keep thinking about how freely mom loved others, and how so many people embraced her love in their lives. So how about this thought, "Mom...a love redeemed, embraced, and given freely." or "A love redeemed and given freely."
Ya, I know it's a little long but maybe it will spur on some other thought.
A few more...Dad's "He tought us to love." Mom's "She showed us how to love.
Otherwise, my favorite so far might be, "She loved people, not stuff."
Great stuff, thanks guys!
No wait, "Mom's love...redeemed, embraced,and given freely."
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