Just thought I'd give a general update on the goings on around here for those of you far far away.
Let's see, well we have been having major vehicle problems since before Christmas and as we speak are waiting to hear if Asher is approved for a new (used) truck. We are getting rid of the Land Rover in hopes that he can get something easier (and cheaper) to work on. Also, we have acquired a work-in-progress truck for Caleb that he and Asher can fix up in the next few years for his first vehicle. It's a 1973 Ford pickup...big, ugly, and HEAVY...perfect for a teenagers first ride!
Speaking of Caleb, he is doing well. School is going good for the most part...if he could just stay organized...it might be great. ;-) The youth group at our church is busy practicing for the big LTC (Leadership Training for Christ) Convention in April. Caleb is once again doing puppets and chorus and loving it. He even recruited a friend from school who is now coming with us every Sunday and participating in LTC as well for the very first time.
Cody....WILL BE A YEAR OLD ON FRIDAY! I can't believe that he's growing so fast. We will take lots of pictures and I'll try to remember to post a link on here. I'll for sure get them up on facebook.
For those of you who hadn't heard, my grandmother had surgery to remove a cancerous mass from her colon last week. She is home and doing very well now. We thank God that the doctor "mistakenly" scheduled her for a colonoscopy after the normal cutoff age of 80. She wasn't even supposed to have that procedure but if she hadn't they wouldn't have found the cancer. She had a colonoscopy 3 yrs ago and they didn't find anything at that time. It's so important to get these tests and exams on a regular basis. The standard age they start giving them is 50 so for any of my family out there around that age - Don't put it off!
Other than all that there isn't much going on. Asher and I are still at our same jobs and doing well. So that's my quick update. Now hopefully others will follow my lead and let us know what's going on in their neck of the woods.
Love you all!
V&K's 2014 in Review
10 years ago